There are some paid to blog sites that I belong to that I hardly get any work from. That’s why whenever I get payment for a review from one of those sites for me it’s cause for celebration. SponsoredReviews is one of those site. I just received my second payment from them.
I have only done two reviews from here although I have applied for about ten. I have only been officially rejected by one advertiser, the rest just don’t bother to respond at all. Anyway I will rejoice in the fact that I do have another payment from SponsoredReviews and just hope to get more.
Here is my proof of payment from SponsoredReviews.
Subscribe to my feed and never miss a post.Hey, want to make a quick $7.50? Well, if you have a blog that’s at least 90 days old and has at least 20 posts, click the button below and join PayPerPost. Then write a review of any post on this site and make $7.50. Go ahead and click that button. Mister LinkerThis is going to be the next big money maker, Join Now! Source: Mike's Money Making Rants and Raves
If you’re looking a place to host your blog or website. Then you should check out Top 10 Web Hosting. They only have the top10 web hosts in the world on their site, so you know you are choosing from the best web hosting sites.
They give you all the information you’ll need to make a good, wise decision on the web host to host your web site. You get the prices, hosting format. Operating system and more.
If you want the best for you web site then go to Top 10 Web Hosting and choose from ten of the best web hosting services.
Subscribe to my feed and never miss a post. Mister Linker This is going to be the next big money maker, Join Now! Source: Mike's Money Making Rants and Raves
Where do you fulfill your dream of buying a good casino poker tables at whole sale price? I have researched a lot on internet and at last found one website where you can get best casino poker tables at whole sale price. It’s the cardroomsupply.com which is doing this business. They are in this business from past four years.
With much and knowledge and experience they have built this website to fulfill all our poker players. We can get all the poker stuff over here like casino poker tables, poker chips, playing cards etc. They have wide variety of poker tables like folded ones and the one you like. You can shop with confidence at card room supply. They have used yahoo store platform as their main selling source. And if we purchase more than $100 then we get free shipping of these buyed goods from their store. They do the shipping very soon. We can place order online or by phone. So poker fans no need to worry about where to get poker products. There is card room supply where you can get all poker stuff. But they do shipping only in Canada and United States. They are going to extend their service to other countries as soon as possible. And you need not worry about the damage of the product while shipping. Suppose if your ordered casino poker tables got damaged while shipping then you can send it back and the card room supply will send you new ones. Source: Tips and Resources to Earn Money Online
Here is a cool tool being introduced by microsoft late this evening.It is the microsoft event planner.
Microsoft is jumping into the world of online event planning with Windows Live Events, scheduled to launch late Thursday.
The free social event planning service lets you invite friends to an event and creates a Web page where people can share photos and stories with blog entries after the event. It uses the same infrastructure as Windows Live Spaces and lets you use your contact list there or in Hotmail or Messenger.
Read More Source: Steven Wilson Marketing
BELIEFS The most important system of the Ultimate Success Formula is the belief values. We need to believe that we can achieve anything we want in our live in order to set our mind into a clear state where we can overcome any obstacles that stand in our way. Have you ever asked yourself why is that some people can achieve such a great, outstanding and extra ordinary results? There's only one thing in common for those who had succeed, that is they believe that they can do it.
For example, if you believe that you can be a millionaire who earns over 1,000,000 anually, and if you hold this belief long enough, it will come true. Does this means that we can achieve all the results that we envisioned? Not all the time, but having a belief of possibility will allow us to produce results far beyond than what we would have done if we had no belief to begin with. Did the Wright Brothers, inventors of the aeroplane, have more aerodynamic and engineering expertise than all the engineers and inventors of their time? No, they were simple bicycle repairmen. At the same time, your beliefs will drive the actions you take, and how much your personal potential you will tap. When you believe that something is possible, you will go all out to make it happen. you will take massive actions and have the commitment to keep doing whatever it takes to achieve it. As a result, you will tap a lot of your personal potential. The other thing is that, when you believe something is possible, the process of making it a reality will be far more easy. You will feel that it takes you less energy and time to make something you believe happens in reality. And remember, if you wish to be a millionaire, start by believing that you can be a millionaire first.
Luke Skywalker : 'I don't believe it!' Master Yoda : 'That is why you fail!' (from Star Wars : The Empire Strikes Back) GOALS Then follow by the goals that you set must be very specific. Have you ever ask someone what they want in their lives? I can bet you will get the answers such as, 'i'm not sure', 'i want to have more money', 'i want to be more happy', 'i want a better job'. So you can see, all their goals are not specific enough, no wonder they can't create outstanding results! Only if you have a specific goal, then your mind can concentrate on your goal, only then you will target your energy and effort to where set.
Try and ask children or kids about what they want to be in the future, and you will get a set of totally different answers from adults. You will get answers like, 'i want to be a doctor', 'i want to be a hero and save the world', 'i want to be a policemen'. No matter what their answers are, they have a very clear and obvious goal. When growing up, we've been affected by all the negative effects that influent our lives, and therefore we start to be afraid to set specific goals.
Unless if you have a specific goal, you cannot create an effective strategy to get you there. You must know this, the strategy of maing $100,000 is totally different from the strategy of making $1,000,000. The moment you clarify your goal in your mind, you will start to have focus in your life. Like a magnifying glass put under the sun, the sunlight will focus to a point until all the energy has been gathered, it can burn a paper. The most successful people, show time and again that their outstanding results are rarely outcomes of chance. Success will not come by chance, if you don't have a plan in live, then you will fall into somebody else's plan.
STRATEGY Again, the more specific your goals are, the easier you can generate your strategy toward your goals. You can have all the energy and drive, but without an appropriate strategy, you will waste all your energy and effort.
For example, imagine you open a vegetable stall that earn you $5,000 a month in profit, and you decide to set goal and strategy to increase the profit to $10,000, would this be possible? Maybe, you can increase your working hours, work harder, create loyalty program, raise prices. What if you want to make a profit of $500,000 from your vegetable business? Would it be possible now? Most people will think that it is impossible, but let me tell you this, you can make this happen! With a completely different strategies, you can do this. So, you can greatly expand your market, just like write a dynamic business plan, raise capital through investment, invest in R&D, create a superior brand of vegetable (such as certified organic vegetables), and widen your vegetable types, support reliable new suppliers, build franchise system and then license thousand of business owners to sell your vegetable. Would it now you can make $500,000 from your vegetable business a month? Of course you can. With flexibility in our strategy, we can achieve just about anything we want in our lives.
ACTION The next step is taking consistent action from the strategy that we crafted. This will move us, from step by step, towards our goals. Many people in this world has got great dreams and goals, the only thing they lack is the drive to take massive actions. You can set specific goals, you may have great business idea, but if you fail to take consistent action, you will not get what you want. Most people will take action initially, but stop once they experiance frustration, anxiety and failure. The interesting here is that how long can you stand to take consistent action. After taking massive action, there are only 2 outcomes, that is either you success to achieve your goal, or you fail to get what you want. If you success to achieve your goals, the next thing to do is maybe you can set new and higher goals for yourself, and start planning the strategy again. It moves in a circle. What if you fail to achieve your goals? Take your failure as feedback, keep in mind of your feedback, change your strategy and take action again.
It is said that Thomas Edison took almost 10,000 attemps before inventing the light bulb. When he was ask how he invented it, he said that he first had to find 9,999 strategies of how to invent the fail light bulb. He then uses these failure as feedback to change his strategy and not to repeat what he was done, until he success to invent the light bulb.
So, this is the Ultimate Success Formula all about. It is a very easy system to follow, to create outstanding results in your lives. Source: The Millionaire Secret
I'll assume that you have a website, or maybe a blog, in order for you to make more money online. Here, did you know that why exactly you need a constantly updated site? If you want to answer this question, then you will have to ask yourself. Why are you surfing the net and what do you expected from a website?
Of course, most of us surf the net for the information that we wanted. And if we found out a great site that is full of content which we are looking for, chances are, we will come back for more. For example, if you are surfing for how to lose weight, and you've come across a great site which offer lots of information about losing weight. Most probably you will remember that site, and you will come back for more information next time. And then if the second time you went to the site, and you found that the site is not updated, all the information remains the same, you will leave.
That is the reason why you need to have a constantly updated site. You want your readers and visitors to come back for more. The more they come, the more money you are going to make. Besides that, with a constantly updated blog, it is much easier for search engine crawler to crawl through. Search engine likes site that are updated often.
Having a constantly updated blog is important, just like reading a newspaper. If you're not updating your blog, then it will be just like a newspaper which is showing the same news again and again, readers will leave since there is nothing more for them. Therefore, now you know why you should constantly update your blog. Well, the frequency of updating it will be depends on you. But my advice is, you must have a schedule for it. The frequency of publishing each new posts must be constant.
Don't post many articles in the same day, then leave blank for few weeks. You must develop a constant posting frequency. You can choose to publish new posts everyday, depends on whether you have the time to do it or not. If you feel that you don't have much time to post everyday, then try to go for 5 posts a week. This is just an example to help you understand about posting frequency, you can post as many articles as you like.
More related posts? Read How To Increase Your Blog's Readership and Write A Readable Article. To Your Success. Source: The Millionaire Secret
Real Estate is one way of making a lot of money. Even when the real estate market is down, there's still money to be made. If you have ever thought of getting into real estate, check out CompuCram's real estate appraisal exam. There is even a free trial download on each program.
If you enjoyed this post subscribe to my RSS feed or email updates. Source: My Journey to one million dollars
What does a million dollars look like? It looks like the following picture in $1 currency notes. It also looks like this and this. :)
If you enjoyed this post subscribe to my RSS feed or email updates. Source: My Journey to one million dollars
Many of the people want to start their own shopping cart to make some revenue while on the internet. But what type of shopping cart software do you use for your store. They are many providing software but you have to choose which provides many features. Ashop commerce is the one which provides all the features of best ecommerce software. You can try the free trial of their service with out entering your credit card number. And if you like it then you can use their service completely. The company has won many awards for providing best shopping cart software. The main reasons why you have to choose ashop commerce is they have great tech support and customer service, 100% optimized shopping carts, easy to set up shopping cart, less cost, better design and high security. Besides all this things they are giving free advertising credits by signing up to their service. They are having many attractive packages with many offers which any one can choose with out any hesitation. And if we have any query then we can contact their online live support which is available every time. Finally ashop commerce has gained much name if providing best shopping cart software. Just use their service and see the difference. Source: Tips and Resources to Earn Money Online
Ok, Friends. Today I have to tell you about a real internet friend of mine. His name is Dr. Mani Sivasubramanian. He is a very, very special man. Besides being an internet marketing expert, better known as an infopreneur, Dr. Mani (in his "real life") is a pediatric cardiac surgeon with an burning desire to give and give and give to society. I don't know how he finds the time to do what he does but he is truly amazing.
Can I share with you what Dr. Mani did this week? He was so excited about Willie Crawford's fantastic team-built ebook, "20 Ways To $100 a Day" that he emailed his list and told us that he wants to GIVE OUT 10 copies of the book to people who cannot buy it right now ( it's simply not in my budget right now). He requested that whoever wants a copy post to his blog. Well, he chose 10 people for whom he personally purchased the book and I was one of them. Is he amazing or what?
Please join Dr. Mani's 24 hour challenge here: http://www.firstgiving.com/drmani. Where you can either donate or fundraise for a good cause: Room To Read Room to Read provides under-privileged children with opportunities to gain the lifelong gift of education, in order to break the cycle of poverty and provide the means for self-determination.
In any event, I recommend joining Dr. Mani's list. He's one of the most prolific guys on the internet. Constantly churning out reports and products. He's clever, original and a total breath of fresh air.
If you're interested in seeing what kind of products Dr. Mani has you can check out Dr. Mani's Niche Starter Kit. Source: Making Money on Internet for Beginners
Wheew! That was a long title. Anyways, i was browsing through the pages of Lady and i found out that she is making more and more money gradually and along with this crescendo is her continuous adding of blogs, shes got quite a few already and shes planning to have more. Maybe i have to ask her about her reasons for doing so.
For now, let me dwell more on this program called Voxant (doesn't this sound like an antibiotic? lol) Newsroom. Its generally a site full of content in various multi media formats like videos, texts and more. They cover alot of general topics such as health, entertainment, politics etc. Ive tried viewing some vids and read some articles and well, i have to say they are pretty decent.
You can get paid by doing one simple thing: Just embed relevant contents to your blog or website, or if you dont have one, ask a friend who has a blog to include these videos for you (he'll probably apply it himself) and for each CPM or Cost per Thousand or per 1000 pageviews, youll earn corresponding amount depending on the format youre using; video feed earns you $4, video stories earns you $3 and texts would earn a decent $1. Your earning will be greatly affected by the number of visitors that would play your videos or read the articles.
Here's the tabulated form of payment.
That's not all! as you can see on the diagram, you will also be paid if the site you referred will gain. How's that for Making Money Online just by Displaying videos. Surely, its and easy and quick way of earning from the internet.
Lady made around $50 in just 2 weeks passively. Now that interests me alot. How do you feel about it? Now, we'll try it together and earn together. If were not going to earn by the end of this month, lets all go back to lady and ask for compensation. Lady, you have been warned! haha!
Check Out my articles about Making Money on the Internet Easily and Legitimately:
Source: Make money with Kirby
I just want to tell everyone that i just launched a brand new blog about health and its entitled "Amazing Health Facts". Its everything that is unusual, weird, funny or even bizarre topics about health in general.
I just made a few posts and im inviting everyone to give it a visit. You will never regret it as you will learn something new with each of your visit. I guarantee it!
Check it out : Amazing Health Facts Source: Make money with Kirby
Google has a new product out called Google eLert Gadget.
Monetize Your Content, Blogs, Podcasts & Video ... Deliver to The Tens of Millions of Google Desktop Users Instantly and Efficiently… Google eLert Gadget is Launched.
Welcome to The Very Profitable Future of eLert Marketing
Google eLert Gadget - A Revolution in Communication THE NEW WAY TO COMMUNICATE
Developed in conjunction with Google Desktop, eLert Gadget aims to help marketers and publishers deliver their message to the client whilst generating greater profits.
Publishers can monetize their eLerts with Kontera and Google Adsense, just insert your Adsense and Kontera IDs in the eLert Gadget set up and your eLert pages are instantly monetized.
This new system is called elert Marketing. More About eLert Marketing Source: Steven Wilson Marketing
Welcome to the second edition of my Wednesday Spotlight.
Like I posted last week on the first edition I will be sharing 3 blogs that I found useful,and interesting this week.
#1 Meet Michelle she is kinda new to the blog world with some interesting post's on internet marketing.
Monetization Weekly
#2 David has some good information on his blog about public domain.Go there to learn the tips,and tricks to public domain.
Push Button Income
#3 Kelly's personal journal featuring articles & reviews, reports on my adventures into the work-from-home world, and much more!
Spiral Butterfly
Source: Steven Wilson Marketing
Did you know that the United States comes in second place for the amount of people using mobile web? The U.K. is the place where it is most popular. South Africa comes in third, India in fourth place and Indonesia in fifth. There is no denying that wap (wireless application protocol) will continue to get more popular. So naturally, accommodations have to be made. Many webmasters are already making a wap site version of their websites. Although doing so can become a bit technical because of the need for wap site hosting, mobile website hosting, mobile website design and wap site design, the end result is a better experience when we are viewing a mobile website on our cellphone or other mobile device.
If you enjoyed this post subscribe to my RSS feed or email updates. Source: My Journey to one million dollars
5 Minutes for Mom dot com is giving away a Casio Pink EX-Z75 digital camera in support of National Breast Cancer Foundation. It also comes with a camera case with pink stitching and a pink lanyard. The contest ends on October 26, 2007. Please visit the contest page for more information on how to enter. If you enjoyed this post subscribe to my RSS feed or email updates. Source: My Journey to one million dollars