The most important system of the Ultimate Success Formula is the belief values. We need to believe that we can achieve anything we want in our live in order to set our mind into a clear state where we can overcome any obstacles that stand in our way. Have you ever asked yourself why is that some people can achieve such a great, outstanding and extra ordinary results? There's only one thing in common for those who had succeed, that is they believe that they can do it.
For example, if you believe that you can be a millionaire who earns over 1,000,000 anually, and if you hold this belief long enough, it will come true. Does this means that we can achieve all the results that we envisioned? Not all the time, but having a belief of possibility will allow us to produce results far beyond than what we would have done if we had no belief to begin with.
Did the Wright Brothers, inventors of the aeroplane, have more aerodynamic and engineering expertise than all the engineers and inventors of their time? No, they were simple bicycle repairmen. At the same time, your beliefs will drive the actions you take, and how much your personal potential you will tap. When you believe that something is possible, you will go all out to make it happen. you will take massive actions and have the commitment to keep doing whatever it takes to achieve it. As a result, you will tap a lot of your personal potential.
The other thing is that, when you believe something is possible, the process of making it a reality will be far more easy. You will feel that it takes you less energy and time to make something you believe happens in reality. And remember, if you wish to be a millionaire, start by believing that you can be a millionaire first.
Luke Skywalker : 'I don't believe it!'
Master Yoda : 'That is why you fail!'
(from Star Wars : The Empire Strikes Back)
Then follow by the goals that you set must be very specific. Have you ever ask someone what they want in their lives? I can bet you will get the answers such as, 'i'm not sure', 'i want to have more money', 'i want to be more happy', 'i want a better job'. So you can see, all their goals are not specific enough, no wonder they can't create outstanding results! Only if you have a specific goal, then your mind can concentrate on your goal, only then you will target your energy and effort to where set.
Try and ask children or kids about what they want to be in the future, and you will get a set of totally different answers from adults. You will get answers like, 'i want to be a doctor', 'i want to be a hero and save the world', 'i want to be a policemen'. No matter what their answers are, they have a very clear and obvious goal. When growing up, we've been affected by all the negative effects that influent our lives, and therefore we start to be afraid to set specific goals.
Unless if you have a specific goal, you cannot create an effective strategy to get you there. You must know this, the strategy of maing $100,000 is totally different from the strategy of making $1,000,000. The moment you clarify your goal in your mind, you will start to have focus in your life. Like a magnifying glass put under the sun, the sunlight will focus to a point until all the energy has been gathered, it can burn a paper. The most successful people, show time and again that their outstanding results are rarely outcomes of chance. Success will not come by chance, if you don't have a plan in live, then you will fall into somebody else's plan.
Again, the more specific your goals are, the easier you can generate your strategy toward your goals. You can have all the energy and drive, but without an appropriate strategy, you will waste all your energy and effort.
For example, imagine you open a vegetable stall that earn you $5,000 a month in profit, and you decide to set goal and strategy to increase the profit to $10,000, would this be possible? Maybe, you can increase your working hours, work harder, create loyalty program, raise prices. What if you want to make a profit of $500,000 from your vegetable business? Would it be possible now? Most people will think that it is impossible, but let me tell you this, you can make this happen! With a completely different strategies, you can do this. So, you can greatly expand your market, just like write a dynamic business plan, raise capital through investment, invest in R&D, create a superior brand of vegetable (such as certified organic vegetables), and widen your vegetable types, support reliable new suppliers, build franchise system and then license thousand of business owners to sell your vegetable. Would it now you can make $500,000 from your vegetable business a month? Of course you can. With flexibility in our strategy, we can achieve just about anything we want in our lives.
The next step is taking consistent action from the strategy that we crafted. This will move us, from step by step, towards our goals. Many people in this world has got great dreams and goals, the only thing they lack is the drive to take massive actions. You can set specific goals, you may have great business idea, but if you fail to take consistent action, you will not get what you want. Most people will take action initially, but stop once they experiance frustration, anxiety and failure. The interesting here is that how long can you stand to take consistent action.
After taking massive action, there are only 2 outcomes, that is either you success to achieve your goal, or you fail to get what you want. If you success to achieve your goals, the next thing to do is maybe you can set new and higher goals for yourself, and start planning the strategy again. It moves in a circle. What if you fail to achieve your goals? Take your failure as feedback, keep in mind of your feedback, change your strategy and take action again.
It is said that Thomas Edison took almost 10,000 attemps before inventing the light bulb. When he was ask how he invented it, he said that he first had to find 9,999 strategies of how to invent the fail light bulb. He then uses these failure as feedback to change his strategy and not to repeat what he was done, until he success to invent the light bulb.
So, this is the Ultimate Success Formula all about. It is a very easy system to follow, to create outstanding results in your lives.
Source: The Millionaire Secret
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