Make money from your blog by asking for it.
A lot of people make money from their blog by just plain asking people to give them money. Whether it’s by putting a PayPal Donation button on their blog or asking people to buy them a beer, people are making money by asking for it.
People in the blogging world are basically kind and are willing to donate something for useful information if asked. If they like what you have to say and it helps them in some way most people are willing to give at least a little something.
Remember the old adage, “You can’t get it if you don’t ask. Asking for money is a good way to make money from your blog.
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Hey, want to make a quick $7.50? Well, if you have a blog that’s at least 90 days old and has at least 20 posts, click the button below and join PayPerPost. Then write a review of any post on this site and make $7.50. Go ahead and click that button.
This is going to be the next big money maker, JOIN NOW !
Source: Mike's Money Making Rants and Raves
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