Friday, October 5, 2007

The IM Myth (Internet Marketing Myth) Rave

Russell Brunson an Internet marketing expert has put out a new report The IM Myth IM standing for Internet Marketing. That report is very good and tells why you shouldn’t just use Internet Marketing as a way to promote your online business, but integrate with offline tactics as well.

One of the best things about this report is that it’s FREE, it won’t cost you a dime. The very best thing about is you can make money by giving the report away.

That’s right, for every person you send to download the report you will receive $1 and for every person they send to the report you will get $0.50. How easy is that? You give something away for free and you get paid for it. Plus you get a good informative e-book that you can use to help you make more money.

Go download The IM Myth now. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

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Source: Mike's Money Making Rants and Raves

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