Friday, October 5, 2007

Stop Giving Excuses!

Hi, welcome back to The Millionaire Secrets. You can find all the tips and guides to your success here, I share everything about how you can be a Millionaire, and the most interesting is, how you can make more money online. However, before you can start making lots of money, before you can becomes a Millionaire, you must know what are the myths (sometimes I called them excuses) that are holding you back from success. Only by knowing all these myths, you can stop them from holding you back.

Myth 1 - I'm Not Smart Enough
I believe that success requires no MBA or any degrees. Look at Bill Gates, look at Robert Kiyosaki. Who dare to say that they are not successful? But do they have any master or MBA in business? Not at all. If today you're saying that you are not a Millionaire simply because you are not smart enough, then you should stop giving yourself excuses anymore. A lot people had shown and proven us that success and make more money need no formal education. There are indeed who are highly educated people and they succeed as well. But what I want to let you know here is that, no matter you are highly educated or not, you have the equal chance to be successful in your life. You can read, 12 Keys To Success to inspire you even more.

Myth 2 - I Don't Have Any Money
Heard this kind of excuses before? I'm sure you did. A lot of people like to use this as an excuses and ignore about their dreams. You should be clear by now that success needs no money. And it doesn't mean that you must have money to start a business and make more money. If you are hungry enough to be successful, then you will eventually come up with some ways to cope with it. In addition, with the help of internet, you can run your business at minimal cost, sometimes even no cost at all if you know how to make use of it. The founder of Creative Inc was a young man from Singapore, do you know that he invest how much in his business? Only $1000! And today it develops into such a mega company that spread all across the world. So you see, success and creating wealth do not need any money, so stop giving sucks excuse like this one.

Myth 3 - I Don't Have The Time
Well, frankly, ask yourself, how many hours do we all have each day? 24 hours, the god is fair. Everyone has got 24 hours a day, no matter who you are. You can be a doctor, you can be a lawyer, or even a beggar, each one of us have 24 hours a day. And it is fair. But did you ever think of why some people can involve in so many activities in the same time while some people only take part in a few, and yet they're complaining that they don't have enough time? Time is the most amazing and precious thing that god had given us. If you don't know how to manage and make good use of your time, it will never flows back. It is all depends on how you value your time. So ask yourself, how much is 24 hours meant for you? If I'm going to buy 1 hour from you, how much are you going to sell it? If you know how to manage your time, success will be much easier in your life. I've got a friend, only 25 this year. When the time he is still studying in university, he manage his time so well that he can focus in both his study and business together. He is a bio student, which means that he's got tons of assignments and projects, but he manage to cope with all of them. The reward? He is now a Millionaire.

These are the common excuses that most people give. Therefore don't give yourself chances to give these kind of lousy excuses. It will only hold you back. A lot of successful people out there already proven all these myths are nothing but excuses. Its your turn to prove yourself. To Your Success.
Source: The Millionaire Secret

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