Monday, November 26, 2007

Money Making Shelves

fill your blog shelvesI was chatting to a bloke yesterday about supermarkets. He was something to do with the planning of where everything goes on their store shelves to maximise profits.

It seems to be quite an art: those essential items at the back of the store, so that everyone has to pass through all of the other goods to get to them, the small tempting, low cost items by the checkout - sweets, batteries, chewing gum - and so on.

fill blog shelves with money making goodsI wonder how many of us plan our blogs with such detail? Do we just plonk ads anywhere? Is our subscriber info in a prominent position? Are all of the links we carry really necessary etc. etc?

I think sometimes we have to step back and look at our blogs as if we had never seen them before. Are we playing to our strengths, for example?

Often we get so carried away with writing our posts and doing the routine things that we forget the real purpose of our blogs. If it's for making money then that is the priority.

Our side columns, header and footers are our shelves. Pack them with the right goods, in the right positions, to maximise earnings. It really can make a difference.

Good luck,

Blogging Good Blogs: Books on blogging and how to make them successful.
Source: Mike's Money Making Mission

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