Monday, November 26, 2007

Weekly Money Update #37

I hope everybody had a great Thanksgiving holiday, I know I did. I finally got my payments from Your2Cents that I have been waiting a while for. Not much new to report.

Here is what I have made from the programs that have paid me so far.

Cash4offers: $77.60

MaviShare: $56.00

Send Earnings: $80.12

Associated Content: $39

StormClix: $37.11

Your2Cents: $72.00

MyLot: $10.97

Media Dollarz: $10.08

FinerWorks: $26.58

: $54.00

Daytipper: $3.00

PayPerPost: $581.73

WordLinx: $10.11

Blogvertise: $66.50

Hits4Pay: $23.28

SponsoredReviews: $27.95

Clix Sense: $7.15

Helium: $31.81

Bloggerwave: $62.00

Survey Spot: $65.00

GlobalTestMarket: $50.95

Blogitive: $165.00

Blogging Ads: $20.00

Bloggertizer: $15.00

Money4Banners: $10.00

Linky Love Army: $17.00

Synovate: $10.00

Money4Blogs: $40.00

Last week's total= $1537.83
This week's total=$1682.93 (up $145.10)

Here is what I have pending.

Hits4Pay: $11.76 (up $0.33)

FinerWorks: $19.28 (up $9.49)

Google Adsense: $107.18 (up $.56)

Tik Tik Cash: $27.75 (up $.33)

Take The Internet Back: $18.39 (no change)

RevenuePilot: $48.88 (no change)

SendEarnings: $2.12 (up $.24)

WordLinx: $6.49 (up $.21)

StormClix: $.70 (up $.01).

Cash4Offers: $6.55 (no change)I haven't been getting any e-mails from here lately.

Clix Sense: $5.92 (up $.15)

Associated Content: $0.07 (up $.03)

Helium: $2.60 (up $0.6)(

MyLot: $6.80 (up $.08)

EmailPaysU: $18.28 (up $.13)

CashMoneyEmail: $16.43 (up $.05)

Snap Dollars: $11.15 (up $0.15)

PayPerPost: $248.59 (new total after payment)

Your2Cents: $8.00 (new total after payment)

Inbox Dollars: $23.86 (up $0.15)

Auction Ads: $5.00 (no change)

AdBux: $3.45 (up $.10)

Survey Spot: $5.00 (no change)

Blogvertise: $25.50 (no change)

Blogitive: $5.00 (new total after payment)

Last Week's Total= $684.46

This Week's Total= $634.75 (new total after payment)

Will my other blog was approved by PayPerPost, but Google has knocked this blog down to PR 0 which may affect the money making ability of this blog..

Subscribe to my feed and never miss a post.

Hey, want to make a quick $7.50? Well, if you have a blog that’s at least 90 days old and has at least 20 posts, click the button below and join PayPerPost. Then write a review of any post on this site and make $7.50. Go ahead and click that button.

Text Link Ads

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Mister Linker

This is going to be the next big money maker, JOIN NOW!

Source: Mike's Money Making Rants and Raves

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