Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Dealing with the Holidays and your Business

The Holiday season is usually pretty crazy for most people. We go straight from Thanksgiving into Christmas and then New Years. We have family gatherings to attend, finals in school, end of the year catch up, and don't forget about the shopping. (That in itself gets me.) It's like we are running a marathon for 2 months straight. With so much to do, it's important to stay consistent with your business as well.

Being consistent means just that, you must be consistent at all times. Any time you take a step back, or take a "break" from building your business and marketing, it's going to take you that much more time later to get your pipeline filled back up again. And I know personally that no matter how much you feel like you need that break right between Thanksgiving & Christmas, it is best to keep pushing forward just a while longer. Why is that? You don't want to reach the holidays, knowing that there is no way you are expected to or should even be working because that is the time you are meant to be enjoying your families...only to have the guilt lingering in the back of your mind that you really haven't done much with your business and you can see it starting to dwindle. How can you enjoy your time then?

And it's not only your own fatigue that can get you down or discouraged during the holidays. Depending on what you do from home, what sort of product or service you have to offer, there are probably quite a few people that have told you that they will have to wait until after the holidays to do anything. This could be due to the fact that cash tends to be tight for most families after the gift giving and traveling that comes at this time of year. Or if you are speaking to people who are considering your business, they may think that it be best to get started after the busy schedules sort of subside in mid January or so, when they will be able to focus on learning something new.

When I start to feel the need for that little break right before the Holidays I simply tell myself that by sticking with it just a while longer, I won't feel guilty when I do take the time off to be with my family. And by continuing to build that pipeline, you will find that many of those that you have spoke with will in fact be calling you back shortly after the new year begins and the traditional new year's resolutions are in peak force.

Source: Work at Home Facts

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