Tuesday, December 4, 2007

I'm A Celebrity Experiment

gemma-atkinson-red-bikiniI wrote early in November about Dead Blogs And Experimenting.

Part of the post was about how I had started a new blog I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here as an experiment.

It is based on a UK television reality show which was only running for three weeks, and finished last Friday.

The experiment wasn't all that successful, probably too short a time span, but as with most things I gained some knowledge from doing the blog.

The blog really ran for only 46 days, thought it'll hang around the blogosphere for a long time - as I don't cancel old blogs.

The most visitors I managed to attract on a daily basis was 371 and for the 46 days, starting from scratch, the blog had a total of just over 7000 unique hits. The interesting thing was that 4250 of these came from the search engines.

What this emphasised was the value of the right name for a blog and having this within the URL. I got lots of referrals from people searching 'Imacelebritygetmeoutofhere'. In other words it's seems beneficial to use keywords for a title and domain name.

As the show has been around for eight years there was a lot of competition from established websites and the tabloid newspapers. They had the advantage of being set up and running long before I got going.

I also realised that virtually everyone was regurgitating the same material - only so much happens on a TV show each night. So why should anyone regularly visit my blog when they could get the info from a newspaper website?

I found that the only way to boost traffic was by concentrating on a couple of the contestants - and yes, it was the attractive girls (Gemma Atkinson and Cerys Matthews) who pulled, if that's the right word, best. It's the old thing about how 'sex sells'.

All in all it was worthwhile trying. I managed to get some Amazon orders, a few AdSense clicks and I was able to use ads directed at the UK - as 75% of the traffic was from the UK. I also got referrals from I'm A Celeb to my main celebrity blog.

I shall update the I'm A Celeb blog from time to time if any of the contestants do anything newsworthy.

I'm now looking for another niche for a blog to experiment with.

Good luck,

Source: Mike's Money Making Mission

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