Sunday, December 9, 2007

King Text Makes Money

I have touched on this previously but I reckon that most banner style ads, and even those popular small squares, are in the main a waste of time - in respect of making money from them, that is.

To me a lot of the stuff we pack in our blog side columns is wasted space and gets very little response. Though I know some prominent bloggers may disagree it's AdSense that gets me by far the most clicks. The pretty, and sometimes flashing banners, just turn people off.

Text style ads are King! Well sort of.

When we join all of those different money making affiliate programs what do most of us do? We get the banners and plonk them on our blogs and then we ... do nothing. So what happens ... nothing.

Okay, there are always exceptions but to move products we have to write about them and tell everyone how great they actually are - because text is King.

This can be done by:

(1) what I call an advertorial post or
(2) a couple of sentences at the end of a post.

These two methods, in my experience, have more authority and get better responses - and therefore make more money - than any flash banner style advertisement.

I especially feel that this is true for the average blog that perhaps doesn't have a big readership. If you have hundreds of thousands of visitors of course a few will click on banner ads.

To a degree making money with blogs is a numbers game but ... by using text to sell (make money) you up the stakes so that the odds are slightly better in your favour.

Try King Text and see if it works for you.

Good luck,

The ad on the left is okay but the following will get a better response: AdultFriend Finder. I have made nearly $1000 from this affiliate program. It will do well in January - over 20 websites to promote.
Source: Mike's Money Making Mission

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