Sunday, September 23, 2007

Building a Pipeline

All experienced network marketer's understand the concept of "building your pipeline." When a new person decides to join our team, they may not understand what in the heck we are talking about, but they will soon come to find out.

You see, when you first start "prospecting" or calling prospects, it may seem as though everyone is telling you "no." Why am I not getting anyone calling me back? But I have been calling for like 2 days already, and no one has joined my team yet...Sound familiar??

It's happened to the best of us. We start to get discouraged, we make fewer and fewer calls over the next few days and then we quit calling all together. Because what's the point, right?

Wrong! By quitting and giving up, all you have done is guaranteed that no one will ever call you back. If you continue to make those calls, soon enough you will start getting calls from people you may have spoke with 2 weeks, a month ago or longer. You have to build that Pipeline and by doing so you will be creating a constant flow of traffic to your website and your team. All it really takes is time, patience, and a continuous effort on your part in order to set your business to a smooth sail.

Source: Work at Home Facts

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