Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Poll Closed and Confirmed : This Is A Certified Teen Blog

The poll that I have been running for a month now has just recently closed with the confirmation that majority of my visitors on this blog are teenagers.

Here's the breakdown of my visitors :
visitors aged 20 and above comprise 16% of this blog.
those who are 16-19 comprise 29%
and finally, the largest group is comprised of the 13-15 group with 54%.

What does this mean?
I derive my traffic from search engines especially from google and i think my search engine ranking helped this blog alot. I dont have that much traffic but I can say that every traffic is targeted and thats all i wanted. Im considering expanding my niche to improve my niche and attract more visitors.

Im still contemplating on my next poll, ill let you know about the next one to come. ;)
Source: Make money with Kirby

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