Thursday, September 27, 2007

12 KEYS TO SUCCESS - You Have To Pay For It

KEY #10 – You Have To Pay For It

Now, this will be the last 3 keys to success. So key #10 is you will have to pay for success. You will have to sacrifice if you want for success. So what is it that you are going to sacrifice for? Of course is your time and energy, sometimes even your money.

Like I always said, success never comes automatically. You will have do work hard, spend lots of time and effort on your plan, take massive actions. Then only you can achieve success. The question now is how much are you willing to pay for success? If you want to make more money online, are you willing to spend all your time doing research, building website and market your site? If you want to lose weight, how much time are you willing to spend to go for exercise, and can you stand for not taking sweet and high calorie food?

Allow me to tell you an example of what is it meant by sacrifice and paying for success here. There is a model, a very beautiful, slim and sexy model. One day she won for the model competition. And so, a reporter asks her “What is your most favorite food”. Then the model answer “oh, I like ice-cream very much”. The report feels strange, because someone who likes to eat something sweet like ice-cream will not be as slim as the model. Then the reporter asks again “How many times do you eat each month?” And you know what did the model answer? She said “It’s been more than 10 years since I had my ice-cream”. So you see, this is sacrifice. You will have to pay for it if you desire for success.

Success will not happen instantly, just like building a house. Everything needs time to develop. And how much effort you are going to put in will influence the time you require to build that house. If you wanted to own a more luxury, then you will have to come up with more money to purchase that car. It is the price you will need to pay for it. You will need to pay for how much you want. This is sacrifice.

One day, if you saw your one of your friend becomes very rich, that is because your friend spend a lot of time and effort in making more money. Always, it is just the surface that you will see, what you see is on your friend is that he is enjoying with all the money he earned. You will never see how much he had spent for his results. Maybe he works until late in the midnight everyday. You’ll won’t know. However, what you can be sure is he spent a lot of time and effort in it. This is just like a duck when swimming in a pond. All you can see is that the duck can swim very fast on the water. But did you know that the duck uses a lot of energy on its legs to kick the water? This is what you can’t see, because its legs are under the water. But the duck do really put a lot of effort in it.

Therefore, always remember this, you will have to pay for success. Success is not a sprint, but a marathon. Hence, keep this key in your life and let it drives you to success.

The 12 KEYS to Success :
Key #1 - Never Gives Up
Key #2 - Control Your Emotion
Key #3 - Be Prepared To Fight

Key #4 - Be Responsible
Key #5 - Having A Burning Desire
Key #6 - You Must Have A Plan
Key #7 - Always Concentrate In Your Work
Key #8 - Must Have A Clear Goal
Key #9 - I Am Talented
Key #10 - You Have To Pay For It
Key #11 - Be Ready To Learn
Key #12 - Success Require No Secrets

Source: The Millionaire Secret

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