Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Money Making November 2007

cheques-novemberAs long standing readers will know I always used to do a Weekly Money Making Report stating how much I had earned each week.

I have now stopped doing this but I'm still often asked as to what sort of money I make each month. For various reasons I'm not going to say any more but will give an indication for the month just gone. All I'll say is that it was over $1250 but less than $4000 for November.

checks-2-novWhat I have done today is shown a few proofs of some of the money I have received (but not all of it). This isn't meant as a boast but purely to show that it is possible to make money from free blogs and without any capital outlay.
Providing I continue blogging, and don't move onto something different, I would hope that my earnings will now increase month on month.

I would stress, however, that this hasn't been an overnight success. I've had to work at it and I feel that most people will need a full year to get established. Okay, some may do it quicker but I think that an average 12 months continuous, daily effort should reap rewards. Remember though that most bloggers pack it all in within three months.

It's the sustained effort that brings results.


On the page you'll find my PayPal November payments received, checks (cheques) I have received and are ready for banking tomorrow and AdSense earnings - note that with AdSense you get September commission in November. I think the 'proof' on this post adds up to about $950.


If you want to make money with free blogs it can be done. I purposely didn't spend any money in doing so - that was the 'mission' I set myself at the very beginning. This is why I haven't got my own domain name and why I have stuck with Blogger - this puzzles some people.

I do have the outlay of my broadband connection but I would have this whether I blogged or not.

Good luck with your own mission.

Source: Mike's Money Making Mission

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